It's a novel product designed to measure and record mean shoulder-applied load, sampled over a three second interval. The measured force is displayed on the LCD screen in the chosen units (Lb/Kg) and also stored in a 10-location memory until user-deleted. The product, designed under the guidance of Professor Ofer Levy (Reading Shoulder Unit, Brunel University) evaluates the strength component of Constant Score.
The robust but lightweight device is supplied with all necessary attachments and full user instructions in a smart carrying case with an optional shoulder strap, ideal for carrying between clinics but priced modestly enough to have one in each.

The IDO Isometer is simple to use and is supplied with a full set of instructions.

See the YouTube link below for further information and demo:

Summary of usage procedure
Ready to own the IDO Isometer?
Certificate of calibration test


J Shoulder and elbow surgery Publication (2014)  

Reliability and agreement between 2 strength devices used in the newly modified and standardised Constant score 

Conclusions: The relative (intraclass correlation coefficient) and absolute (standard error of measurement) reliability between the IFC and IDO is excellent, indicating that performances reported from settings using the IDO are comparable with those recorded with the IFC in other settings.

from the J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2014) 23, 1806-1812